Sunday, January 3, 2010

Breaking free

So I think I've pretty much abandoned my Forensic Psychology track. Why not begin the new year with a new career choice...haven't told my mom yet so I don't think she's going to be that happy. I've told her that I want to work with wolves. She didn't think it to be a realistic career. Well I'm just going to have the bite the bullet with this one. Not sure exactly how I'm going to break the news, maybe it be best after I do a little more research on programs and schools then maybe looking into the two wolf preserve/sanctuary they have here in Florida.

This is going to be my second branch of a "career blog", but not only that; I want to dedicate this to helping people learn about wolves even though there are so many sites like that it'll be as much more for me as a learning track. I'll also have the latest wolf news and updates (may put them into a box on the sidebar. If anyone who happens to stumble across this page has any information on what they may know or have heard, send it on down!

There is a wolf in me...fangs pointed for tearing gashes...a red tongue for raw meat...and the hot lapping of blood--I keep this wolf because the wilderness gave it to me and the wilderness will not let it go. - Carl Sandburg, "Wilderness"

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