Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I probably shouldn't have but I bought Shaun Ellis' The Man Who Lives With Wolves. It nearly cost me an arm because I'm still without a job (though I might because I had a good interview today!). It isn't with a vet or animal clinic but I'm still happy its something.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


So my mom returned from Nicaragua this evening and she asked about that job offer I got from our neighbor. I said I didn't want to work in the jail and that it was something I wasn't all that interested in that line of work; she said why not...of course. I was plenty nervous and talked kind of fast but I got it all out in the end. All seems really good :) She says that it might be good too because whenever they brought up the psychology thing I would get kind of mopey and flat about the conversation and that now I seemed more engaged and lively when I talked about it. I'm most excited to have her onboard, my dad too. Now I have to break the news to everyone else in the fam and friends.

Oh and in regards to the last post, I was able to find that one of the schools listed of which I can't remember which one does offer Animal Behavior as a Masters track. I'll have to go back and see which one.

Right now, I'm trying to gear my job searching track to animal shelter/clinics as a kennel assistant or vet technician. I tried giving my resume to a clinic thats right down the road from my house but that is turning out to be a no go. I sent in a follow up letter to them and am moving on to the next. We'll see where I go from here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Master's Degree in Animal Behavior and Ethology

So this was suggested by one of the women who contacted me from Shy Wolf and I've decided to look into it.

It's "a program that focuses on the scientific study of the psychological and neurological bases of animal sensation, perception, cognition, behavior, and behavioral interactions within and outside the species. Includes instruction in ethology, behavioral neuroscience, neurobiology, behavioral evolution, cognition and sensory perception, motivators, learning and instinct, hormonal controls, reproductive and developmental biology, community ecology, functional behavior, and applications to specific behaviors and patterns as well as to specific phyla and species."

Schools offering the degree:
University of California- Davis; Davis, CA
Southwestern University- Georgetown; Georgetown, TX -this looks to only be a Bachelors program
Bucknell University- Lewisburg, PA -might only be Bachelors
Franklin and Marshall College- Lancaster, PA -bleh Bachelor too I think...
Northern Arizona University- Flagstaff, AZ - they have a Graduate program but I'm having trouble finding the degree for Animal Behavior...
Eckerd College- St. Petersburg, FL -again this looks to only be a Bachelors program :(

So far this is looking like a bust...I'll probably send out an email asking A) if they offer the program I'm looking for and B) if its a Graduate or Masters program. I may ask Claudia where she is pursuing her degree. Could be an online program...that may be the route to take. I may need to look under a different degree heading to expand the net of schools. Which might be good because I'm not very good when it comes to Neuro-terminology, maybe with practice I can get better. But enough for tonight.

Checking out my options

I sent out a few emails today inquiring about information on what to do for graduate school and was blessed with some swift replies:

Hi, M----. One of our volunteers wishes to pursue a similar course - she might be better able to help guide you as she is currently still in school. I kind of fell into it and have no college training relating to the wolves. I can tell you any career would have to be research or government based as there are few paid positions in sanctuary/rescue/non-profit orgs. Claudia? Deanna

Hi M----;
I would Google schools that have Major: Animal Behavior and Ethology as a Masters program. I am considering this but as of today, I am in BA in Biology and moving towards an Environmental Science Masters. My BA would allow me to work with the animals or allow me to work in Wildlife Biology, Candid and Habitat Conservation. You can also take paid or pay for internships in wolf behavior practicum or internship in some of the wolf parks. Also will give you an idea of what jobs are out there and what degrees are required for these positions. Then you may want to look at which universities are supporting these Masters programs and look at what they have to offer. Research opportunities sometimes show up if you keep checking. Claudia
 I'm still waiting to hear back from someone up at Seacrest. I'll most likely send a similar email up to the International Wolf Center tomorrow. Its kind of funny because today in the mail I got an invitation to Marymount Univ to come up and listen in on a talk by faculty members on Counseling and Forensic Psychology. To think that's what I had wanted to do up until a few months ago.

I was up online last night looking at some books to start reading or even reread. I'll star with the few books that I have. I might start with Shadow Mountain: A Memoir of Wolves, A Woman, and the Wild by Renee Askins. Its been sitting on my shelf since earlier in the summer so I might as well start it. One that I would really like to read is The Wolves of Mount Mckinley by Adolph Murie.

My dad just walked in. He had been talking to our neighbor across the way who works at the jail. Aparently he wants to talk to be about getting me into the jail for a few days or something out of the week. I wouldn't be paid but it would get my foot in the door. I was just kind of like "Great...." trying to show my total lack of enthusiasm but I don't think it got across. Maybe I'll go for a day or so and then walk in the house and say "This is not what I want to do." That would be a good way to break the news to my parents that I'd rather spend my life with wolves than people. I'm supposed to be getting in touch with someone my uncle knows as well. I almost wish I had never said the words Forensic Psychology, meh.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Breaking free

So I think I've pretty much abandoned my Forensic Psychology track. Why not begin the new year with a new career choice...haven't told my mom yet so I don't think she's going to be that happy. I've told her that I want to work with wolves. She didn't think it to be a realistic career. Well I'm just going to have the bite the bullet with this one. Not sure exactly how I'm going to break the news, maybe it be best after I do a little more research on programs and schools then maybe looking into the two wolf preserve/sanctuary they have here in Florida.

This is going to be my second branch of a "career blog", but not only that; I want to dedicate this to helping people learn about wolves even though there are so many sites like that it'll be as much more for me as a learning track. I'll also have the latest wolf news and updates (may put them into a box on the sidebar. If anyone who happens to stumble across this page has any information on what they may know or have heard, send it on down!

There is a wolf in me...fangs pointed for tearing gashes...a red tongue for raw meat...and the hot lapping of blood--I keep this wolf because the wilderness gave it to me and the wilderness will not let it go. - Carl Sandburg, "Wilderness"