Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Took me by surprise!

About 4 minutes after I sent the email off, BAM! I get a reply from John, one of the co-founders of the sanctuary saying to get in touch with him immediately. I'm not even prepared of what to say to this man. I need a plan you know about what I would like to accomplish with the internship more specifically. I was thinking I'd have atleast a day or so before I even got a reply, but this guy totally caught me off-guard. Not that I mind at all just now I really need to crack down tonight and prepare.

I'm going to begin by looking on other sites from the rescue page on my blog that offer internships to see what that may entail. From the few I have looked at some require the interns to learn wolf knowledge in order to give tours and public speaking...not really what I'm looking for, and this sanctuary looks like its not open to the public in that it is purely a rescue and sanctuary rather than an educational experience like Seacrest or Shy Wolf.

I guess I'm interested in their behavior. They're such elusive creatures you can't help but wonder about them. Of course, the behavior we see in the sanctuary is only a glimpse to how they would act in the wild since they're in a controlled environment. Also their interaction with humans is just priceless to experience.

I'll look tonight when I get home since I'm leaving work in about 10 minutes and have some things outlined to discuss with this guy when I give him a call. And if they can't offer an internship then I'd be willing to volunteer....since basically I'll be unpaid most likely. I'll post here with my ideas!

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