Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pack Straggler!

I feel like I've been so behind in everything its not even funny. I was suppose to launch and send out the first newsletter to the organization I'm starting but that hasn't happened. I'm thinking it probably won't be done until around Thanksgiving/Christmas time. I hate to do it but I think its best if I postpone it for now. I've been slacking at putting money in the jar as well. After all this World Cup business, when this 2nd job with the jail gets in order, and things in general kind of tone down...which seems like a major contradiction when it comes to the holidays, I'll crack down and get things in order. So I apologize to anyone, if you've been waiting around for it. I guess I want to use this chance now to maybe see if anyone will be at all interested in receiving a copy of the newsletter? I'll probably end up posting electronic copies of them here on the blog as well.

Monday, June 7, 2010

News I've been neglecting

A lot has been going on in the news concerning wolves and not for the better. I've been more or less neglecting the issue because well, its depressing and while I'd rather not dwell upon it I should share it. So instead of post them in an individual manner I think every week I'll post a collective news reel. Most of where I'll be getting my info is from the groups I'm a part of on Facebook and through Howl Colorado - probably one of the better news sources concerning wolves that I've seen since they are constantly updating the news section.

Right now, as you know the oil spill in the Gulf has been big news and it looks like it still will be for the rest of the summer and well into the fall. The biggest controversy to come out of it is how to deal with the helpless victims who have been caught in this thick wake. This article comes from Cosmic Log on the MSNBC webpage prompting the question: Clean the birds, or kill them?

Colorado rancher hopes for wolves (Feb 8, 2010)

Public meetings held regarding proposed Montana wolf hunt plans - From Howl Colorado, 3 other articles are highlighted within, which I've placed here with "bullet" marks:
-Many blast wolf management at FWP meeting on upcoming hunt (June 3, 2010)
-Public weighs in on wolf hunt quotas (June 3, 2010)
-Biologist: wolf hunt only way to reduce population (June 3, 2010)

44 dead this year as Montana continues aggressive wolf management (June 3, 2010)
-15 wolves from 5 packs killed in Montana (May 31, 2010)

Judge rejects Alaska plan to begin killing wolves - A bit of good news! (June 4, 2010)

Wolf-recovery program now 'at risk of failure' - concerning the Mexican Gray wolves (June 6, 2010)

Anti-wolf Web site proposes illegal poisoning of wolves - This I find to be most disgusting! At the end of the article is the link to the website, Lobowatch. I have not clicked the linked because I don't know if I'd be able to scroll through with restraint. Feel free to click the link at the end of the article if you can brave it. (June 7, 2010)

Boise wolf hunt suspended (June 7, 2010)

That's a look at what's been going on this month alone. You can find these on Howl Colorado's Facebook, though you'll need to sign up (if you aren't already) and friend them before you can see them or simply check out there own page I listed further up in the post.